Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year!

Hamjambo familia na rafiki! (Hello family and friends!)

Tonight, I will be leaving for Wema after two trips of watching Alex go. This will be the largest trip we have done. There will be eleven girls going over with 15 laptops. We are so thankful for all our donors. Without them, we would not have the opportunity to change the children's lives by teaching them how to use a laptop, including using Microsoft word documents and the Internet. On Alex's first trip in January 2010, he took over my old iBook laptop. The laptop that was no longer of use to me was an amazing resource at Wema, which had barely functioning computers. Alex left my laptop there and with that laptop Wema has been able to connect with us much better. Teresa Wati, one of the directors, has been able to email and Skype with the board members of Wema constantly as well as send email updates and pictures. My English class in 12th grade with Mrs. Ordway became pen pals with Wema students. If this one old laptop was able to do this for Wema, I cannot wait to see the progress we will make this trip. I hope to update you on this progress throughout this exciting journey. Happy New Year!

Asante Sana (Many thanks),
Alex teaching Wema students through my iBook